Managing your customer relations
“How you gather, manage and use information will determine whether you win or lose” B.Gates
LCRM systems have the advantage of collecting, organising and analysing all the data generated by your customers and prospects. While sales and marketing have long been the main areas of expertise for CRM, they are now expanding to include customer service, human resources, supply chain and partner management.
In order to determine your customer relationship management needs, you should ask yourself the following questions:
- Is your customer/prospect data partitioned or scattered across different storage areas?
- Do you need to measure the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns or sales strategies?
- Would you like to improve your overall customer relationship management?
- Are you growing or transforming your business model?
If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then you are about to adopt a CRM system or change your current model.

Salesforce, a powerful CRM
For the past five years, HN Services has been using SALESFORCE, one of the most powerful CRM systems on the market, and we can share our expertise in this area to help you roll out and adapt it to your requirements.
Examples of HN Services achievements
Evolution of Microsoft Dynamics CRM for a leader in the smart city.
Support and Administration for a leading European service company.
Specific developments in shared service centres.
Delegation of skills and expertise on customer projects.